WP3 – Development of techniques for the implementation of the remote teaching and training process with the use of support tools
IO5 Development of a methodology for conducting fieldwork classes with the use of communication tools
IO6 Development of methodology for conducting practical classes
IO7 Development of methodology for conducting design classes
IO8 Development of methodology for conducting laboratory classes
I09 Development of evaluation methodology Link to part 2
WP4 – Development of teaching and training resources with the use of remote teaching methodology
IO10 Development of road safety audit resources Link to materials
IO11 Development of resources for roadside environment safety management Link to materials
IO12 Development of resources for safety management of unprotected road users. Link to materials
IO13 Development of road surface management resources Link to materials
Prepared teaching and didactic materials. Short description.
WP5. – Implementation of the teaching and training process in the field of road infrastructure management
IO16 Development of a handbook to support remote teaching and training in road infrastructure management
IO17 Appointment of a European panel of experts to expand and further develop distance learning in the field of road infrastructure management