IO14 Development of competence certification program

The task will be implemented under working package 5 (WP5. Development of innovative teaching and certification methodologies).
Based on previous experience of partner countries and EuroRAP, a common RSI methodology for teaching and training purposes an innovative certification system will be proposed. Team of the proposal, which has an excellent mix of academia and private sector experience, will be working to fully delineate the competencies – domains, subdomains, tasks, knowledge and skills – for the minimally competent Road Safety Professional (RSP).
The Road Safety certification (RSC) recognizes safety as its own discipline and establishes a minimum level of knowledge based on the current state of practice identified in the Euros@P WPs 2-4; encourages professional development and growth by introducing newer concepts; and creates an environment for universities to expand their curriculum to produce graduates that are proficient in the field of road safety (RS).
The planned result of the task will be development of an updated methodology for certification of competences for transportation professionals responsible for the application of the EU RISM and more in general involved in development and implementation developing of engineering programs aimed at reducing the number of fatalities and injuries due to road crashes.
The RSP Certification can provide different levels of certification. At least two levels can be introduced. RSP Level 1 designed to demonstrate expertise in road safety’s multi-disciplinary dimensions and is intended for any professional who makes decisions or takes actions that potentially impact the RS. A higher level RSP certification (level 2) for those individuals whose primary job functions are directed to improving RS performance by developing and implementing engineering RS management programs. This task will set minimum requirements for the RSP Certificate at level 1 and 2.

Target groups:

The target groups of the task include not only road authorities and road safety specialists involved in the application of the RISM directive (i.e. members of Audit or Inspection teams), but the wider parterre of Road Safety Professionals.
RSP is a professional that during a typical workday makes decisions that directly or indirectly impact the future frequency and severity of traffic collisions and who knows how to explicitly consider it (and quantify, when possible) and reduce negative safety impacts.

Elements of innovation:

Motivated by AASHTO, the Transportation Research Board and many other transportation, safety-related organizations from the US and Canada, the RSP certification has recently (10.2018) introduced in North America by the Transportation Professional Certification Board (TPCB) (www.tpcb.org). The TCPB experience represents an example of best practice that will be used as base for the development of the certification procedure in Euros@P, but the peculiarities of the EU approach and RISM directive need a different implementation of the training curricula and examination domains.
The RSP certification can complement the e-learning methodology proposed in Euros@P project, because the traditional RS training programs and certifications are based on course attendance and final examination.
The RSP certification represents an important step forward for the safety profession by providing a way for professionals involved in a wide array of safety-related disciplines to establish their competency for the safety of the traveling public.
Development of the exam following an standard, structured development process. Creation and administration of RSP certifications at EU level. Create the capacity for scale and support the essential quality assurance of partner and supplier activity around Europe.

Expected impact:

RSP Certification ensures that those charged with protecting the lives of the traveling public can demonstrate the requisite knowledge of RS and serve as a catalyst for greater attention to RS in university curriculum and through continuing education. In the framework of the application of the RISM directive, RSP certification can be applied as Prequalification in the Road Safety Training Courses.
Expected impacts that can be achieved by the RSP Certification, are:
• Recognize RS as a profession.
• Create incentive for academia to expand on road safety formal learning.
• Identify core and advanced competencies.
• Establish a recognized level of practice and knowledge.
• Provides a mechanism for continuing education.
• Provides a mechanism for professionals to gain RS knowledge outside their main area of practice.
• Incorporate RSP into Road Administration job descriptions as “desirable” criteria.
• By taking the online training, RSP will build knowledge about infrastructure risk and develop the skills needed to perform RS assessments.

Transferability potential:

The developed certification will be available on the on the edX open source platform, which will enable its use by professionals throughout Europe.

The division of work:

The work will be divided among all consortium participants and will include:
• The use and extension of works carried out under working package 2 (WP2. The Road Infrastructure Safety Management – international perspective, Intellectual Output 1-4).
• The use and extension of works carried out under working package 5 (WP5. Development of innovative teaching and certification methodologies, Intellectual Outputs 15-16).
• Development of domains and examination forms for RSP certification.
• Development of web platform for exams application and certification administration.
• Preparation of publications summarizing completed work.

The tasks leading to the production of the intellectual output:

The institution UC will be responsible for overseeing the development of the open online platform and RSP certification and accreditation. Consortium participants will cooperate in preparing these materials, exchanging their expertise and experience. The open online platform will be designed on the basis of research and preparatory work (related to user needs, knowledge studies, etc.) carried out in the project’s various work packages.